Preschool Core Curriculum

We strive to have a well-balanced curriculum that adopts appropriate child learning strategies and approaches for children with varied learning abilities. It comprises many sensorial, play and problem-based learning experiences so that children will enjoy their learning process.

English Language And Literacy

Seeds Learning Group

Fun With Alphabet (For Children Ranging From 18 Months To 3 Years Old)

It is for children ranging from eighteen months to three years old who have limited exposure to Phonics. It enables children to build better letter-sound foundation, create phonemic awareness and enhance letter writing skills.

Seeds Learning Group

Young Readers (For Children Ranging From 4 To 6 Years Old)

This is an individualised reading programme for children ranging from four to six years old. Children will learn how to read using phonics and the whole language approach. Each child will have a customised reading learning plan so that child will receive specific guidance and personal coaching in order for the child to read with confidence and good intonation.

Seeds Learning Group

English Workshop (For Children 6 Years Old)

English Workshop is specifically designed for children who are proficient readers. In this individualised learning programme, they will learn about the technical components of written language. It also focuses on grammar, close passage, comprehension and simple sentence constructions.

Research Based Literature Curriculum

Our research-based Literature programme is a research, inquiry-based and self-discovery learning experience that enables children to be critical and creative in their learning process. During the programme, children will learn to generate their own questions based on selected literature, examine facts, and expand their knowledge and literacy skills through various media, activities and resources. Here, our teachers function as a coach, facilitator and motivator.

Chinese Literacy

Fun With Chinese

It is a thematic and story-based approach whereby children are able to identify Chinese characters through stories, songs, movements, body signals, games and other fun activities. Creative and interesting activities are planned to excite children and create an interest in the Chinese Language.

Children will have early exposure to Han Yu Pin Yin in Kindergarten Two.

Seeds Learning Group
Seeds Learning Group Seeds Learning Group
Seeds Learning Group
Seeds Learning Group

Math Literacy

Fun Math (For Children Ranging From 18 Months To 3 Years Old)

It is a creative and fun-filled activity-based programme that allows children to have hands-on and play learning experiences in learning Early Math concepts.

Concept Math (For Children Ranging From 4 To 6 Years Old)

This is an individualised Math programme that uses three steps of learning instruction, concrete, pictorial and abstract. Children will learn important mathematical concepts through manipulatives, and pictorial and abstract reasoning skills. In addition, they will be able to read and understand basic mathematical language and number stories

Creative Math (For Children Ranging From 4 To 6 Years Old)

Creative Math seeks to develop our children’s ocular motor and visual perceptual skills as they work and think through a series of creative and critical thinking activities in class. The children learn to construct their own knowledge through interaction with material, peers and teachers. It is a brain-based and problem-based learning methodology as children engage in their learning through their senses and problem-solve together with their peers.

Other Activity Highlights

  • Seeds Learning Group Seeds Learning Group

    Multimedia Learning

    It is an inspiring and multi-sensory learning experience that will excite your child to discover more about their world and the environment that they live in. Activities are planned to inculcate a creative mind and develop thinking skills.

  • Seeds Learning Group Seeds Learning Group

    Bodily-Kinesthetic Exercise

    Using hoops, sticks and balls, we create movements and exercises to enhance children’s gross and fine motor skills. Your child can have his or her own aerobics exercise in our studio.

  • Seeds Learning Group Seeds Learning Group

    Practical Life/Life Skills

    Our very own character-building programme where stories and action songs are used to instil good values and life skills in your child.

  • Seeds Learning Group Seeds Learning Group

    Speech and Drama

    Imitative and dramatic play is the way children practise for life. They learn to problem-solve and express their feelings positively. With encouragement from teachers, it can be an imaginative and absorbing experience.

  • Seeds Learning Group Seeds Learning Group

    Sensorial exploration

    Children learn best through their senses. With planned sensorial experiences, it can further refine their senses of touch, hearing, sight and smell. Sensorial materials lay a solid foundation for Math, Art and Music.

  • Seeds Learning Group Seeds Learning Group

    Cookery and Science Discoveries

    Children learn to observe, compare, predict, explore and discover during their cookery and science activities or lessons. It is never too early to understand science facts.

  • Seeds Learning Group Seeds Learning Group

    Show and Tell session

    Such platforms enable children to share and verbalize their feelings and thoughts with confidence.